Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Chandlers 2nd birthday.

I can't believe my baby is two!!!  He is the sweetest two year old I know. For the most part he's happy, cooperative, and fun to have around. He's a little shy and quiet when he's around new people or new places but when he's home he loves to talk and sing... All the time... 
He has a good vocabulary for a two year old which probably helps him get what he wants. Ha!  On his birthday we started it off by going to his pediatrician for his wellness check up. He measured in at 97 percentile for height and 66 percentile for weight. So we have another big boy in our hands. 

When we got home from his appointment  he helped Wells with his lemonade stand. He mostly drank the lemonade and looked cute. At one point he helped hold the sign so I think he earned every bit of the drink. 

Then on Sunday we had a family party with cake and ice cream. This is my first four layer cake I've ever made. It was his favorite color. 

When we went to the store to find some sort of cake topper he found this moose and would not put it down. So he got a moose for a cake topper. 

Then we opened presents. He was very spoiled by everyone!  Both grandparents came, along with Spencer the Panters, Hooleys and Christensens 

I just love this little boy so much and can't imagine what life would be without him.