Saturday, September 15, 2012

Parent Rap

I found this really funny video called "Parent Rap".  So I thought I would share...

Friday, September 14, 2012


These photos are of when Chandler was about 3 weeks old.  As I was posting this I was so surprised at how much he has changed.  He's really chunked out in the last four weeks.  My good friend Gina took these photos for us and I can't thank her enough.  I think she is officially our family photographer.

This photo of Wade and Chandler "fist bumping" is one of my favorites

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pre School

Well, today was my first child's first day of school.  Pre school that is.  It was a very bitter-sweet morning.  I can't believe my little Wells is old enough to go to pre school and that he was so excited to go and leave my side.  No tears on his part.  On the other hand it will be kind of nice to have four hours a week to myself to get some much needed work done around the house. Don't get me wrong, he's a great helper but sometimes he likes to help out a little too much if ya know what I mean :)
Wells is such a special boy to us and we love him so much.  I hope and pray everyday that we will raise him correctly and that he can have a good childhood.

One last little story that shows how sweet he is.  Last Sunday Wells came home from nursery with a little picture that he had colored and it had Miss Cathie's name on it (his pre school teacher).  He had his nursery teacher put her name on it so that he could give it to Miss Cathie when he went to school.  So the first thing he did this morning when he went to school was pull out the paper from his backpack and give it to Miss Cathie.  And I think she LOVED it!