Friday, December 2, 2011

Wells Words

Here are a couple of funny things Wells has said lately.  Enjoy!

Wells has an imaginary puppy that he has named Thirty One, well the other day he was playing with a little doll and I asked him what her name was and he said her name was Thirty Two.

While driving in the car Wells was really quiet so I looked back and noticed he was in deep thought.  I asked him what he was thinking about and he said, "Cars and Trucks" to which I said, "Oh yeah?" and he said, "They're AWESOME!".

The other day I was explaining to Wells that we can talk to Jesus anytime we want and that's what a prayer is.  Just like talking to Grandma on the phone we can talk to Jesus whenever we want too.  So the next day I overheard him say, "Hi Jesus,  What did you do today?... Oh good!"

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fun with Fall

Lots of leaves in our back yard = great pics!

Wade was our awesome photographer this time around.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wells Halloween

This year Wells was a dinosaur which is perfect for him since he thinks he is an actual T-Rex.  He love the tail and wants to show everyone he can.  

We took him to Thanksgiving Point to the Barnyard Boo and he liked showing all the animals and people his costume.

 Then we went trick or treating to Grandma and Grandpa Farr's house.

Pure excitement to see that Papa answered the door.

Then we we trick or treating around some other houses and he caught on to the concept real quick.  I think he just loved getting his energy out and running from house to house with his cousins and the candy was a bonus.  When the people would hold out the bowl of candy he would always looked for the suckers.  I think he likes them the best because he knows how to open them himself.  

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Our Halloween Costume

 Well... Here is our Halloween Costume this year.   I think it brings out the breast in us... ba dum ching!
It was one of the most simple costumes we've ever done. 

We bought two size 2x white t-shirts and the balloons with the big rubber band at the dollar store, then blew them up to about the same size.

  Then we got two size 3x "nighties" from Walmart and tucked one of the straps in. 

Easy Peasey.  And funny too!  

Thanks to my beautiful sister Julie for giving me the idea.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

First Fishing Trip

For the last month or so Wells keeps telling me he wants to go fishing.  I have no idea where he got the idea or how he knows what fishing is.  The weirdest thing about it is that every time we drive by Texas Roadhouse he says, "I wanna go fishing mommy, I wanna go fishing". 
So Wade decided to get his dad and take Wells fishing for the first time.  I don't think he was expecting it to be like it was.  I didn't go but Wade said he was pretty scared and grossed out by the fish.  I have a feeling that he'll take a liking to it real quick with the Hooton blood in him.  

Hee Haws

Our friends Nate and Kim invited us to go to Hee Haws with them to celebrate their daughter Morgan's  first birthday.  It was such a beautiful fall day and we had a great time with them.  

Quick story before you look at these next few pics.  Wade decided to take Wells on this big huge slide. You're suppose to grab a potato sack to sit on so you don't go down too fast, but when Wade stood up on the top of the slide he lost his footing and plopped right on his bum and started down the slide... never letting go of Wells!!!  

After we all played like that was part of the plan to Wells he decided he wanted to do it again and again.  Although he made sure he was sitting on our lap.

This is Wells dream come true.  

The Zoo

Every kid has to go to the Zoo every summer and every blog has to have a post about it... right?...
Well here it is.  

We actually got to go to the zoo twice, once with Wade's sisters and once with Gina and Macie but thanks to Gina she took some pretty awesome pics on my camera so they're the ones I'm going to show here on the good ol' blog.  

(Watch out Gina, you might become a famous photographer from all the hits on my blog... HA!!!)

Wells loves the zoo... I just wish it was closer!!!


Here are just a few random pics I took over the last few months that I can't help but post

These are our neighborhood kids eating popsicles and playing on the slip n' slide one last time before fall.  I love how many kids we have in our hood.

 My little man