Saturday, May 21, 2011


Well, I did it.  I ran my first race... a sprint triathlon.  I honestly didn't know if I would even be able to finish, that's why I haven't posted anything on my blog about it yet.  My sweet sister-in-law Kim encouraged me to run it with her and at first I really didn't want to do it, (mainly because it meant I would have to get my lazy you-know-what out of bed in the morning to exercise) but after some persuasion she talked me into it.  And I am so glad she did.  I had the time of my life.  It was soooo much fun!!!

First I swam 300 meters and it took me 8 minutes and 55 seconds. Then I biked 12 miles and that took me 47 minutes and 35 seconds and then a 3 mile run that took me 30 minutes and 39 seconds.  Over all between that and the transitions it took me 1 hour and 33 minutes.  Out of a 1000 women I took 360th place and 39th in my age group.

I can see why these things are addicting.  I never in my life thought I would find enjoyment out of exercising.  I guess there's a first for everything.

Unfortunately Wade was unable to make it :( He's on a Medical mission for Operation Smile in Mexico.  It was disappointing not to have him there but I know he was there with me in spirit and I know he was thinking and wishing he was there too (CHEESY MUCH?)

Anyone up for running a triathlon with me next year?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Modge Podge of photos and videos

I apologize for the random video's and photos you will be witnessing for the next blog post.  I just got all of these off my phone.  
This first video is of Wells rocking out on his favorite piano.  His facial expressions and rocker hands are so funny to me.  I'm not sure where he learns it from...  Probably Elmo.  
The second video is a joke that he likes to tell.  He likes it so much that he told it twice in this video.  You have to wait for the punch line, he likes to hold you in suspense.  

 This last week we went to Tucano's  and we thought it was a little funny to see Wells drinking out of my Brazilian limeade glass.  

And last but not least.  I love this next picture of Wells on the pony Chief at Thanksgiving Point.  When we lived at Thanksgiving Point I used to braid Chiefs tail and main.  That was over ten years ago.  He is one old pony.  I never in a million years thought my little boy would be riding the pony I loved so much as a little girl.  

Friday, May 6, 2011


I just thought I would share with you a little insight to what our lives are like almost every night.  Tonight was a bit of an exception but pretty close.  Wade, Wells and I started eating dinner around seven o'clock.  We had steak, roasted potatoes, and watermelon.  So I gave Wells one chunk of our steak, a few potatoes, and about three watermelons.  I don't like to put too much on his plate or he gets overwhelmed and will just play with his food instead of eat it. After he finished all of of his food he asked for more.   So I gave him another BIG chunk of steak (cut into bite size pieces), and a few more potatoes and watermelon.  A while later... "more".  This time I gave him more watermelon (like five big pieces) because the steak was gone and he wasn't really liking the potatoes... "more peeeeese".... more watermelon..... "more".  By this time I thought he was going to wet through his diaper tonight so I said that there was no more watermelon.  But I offered him some gross canned, generic brand mixed vegetables.  I put just a little bit on his plate to see if he would even like it after the sweet watermelon.  I didn't even warm it up, I pulled it strait out of the fridge.  He quickly ate it and politely asked for... more...  So then I piled the vegetables on his plate for him TWO more times.  He ate half a can of the gross stuff.  But you guessed it, MORE.  So I gave him a cherry tomato (these were pretty big cherry tomatoes too), He ate it right up and wanted another one, so I gave him three more tomatoes.  Finally after forty five minutes of eating he was sort of playing with his last tomato and I decided he was done.    He took a few more sips of his milk (which he had half a sippy cup's worth), I cleaned him up, and it was off to bed.  By now we were all ready to go to bed.
Oh, I forgot to mention, just about a half hour before we sat down to eat he ate an entire eight ounce can of peaches.

I know there are a lot of people out there who have a hard time getting they're children to eat.  And I just know we'll have our turn and have a picky eater.  But I just wanted to write this down so that when I do have a picky eater, or if Wells decides he wants to boycott eating, I can remember "the good times".