Monday, May 24, 2010

Dear Blogger Friends

I've decided to change my blog back to Blogger.  I couldn't resist the cute backgrounds, fun gadgets, and friends blog updates.  So here we go... hopefully I'll do a better job this time around.

What has happened in our lives lately you ask?  Well my parents are now in Georgia (the state) and doing really well, they've already been talking to an older couple who are very interested in the church and seem to have really studied it a lot.

Wade is in Thailand right now on an Operation Smile mission.  He left last Thursday and will get home this Saturday.  In 4 days 14 hours and 55 minutes.  We've Skyped almost everyday and he seems to be doing well even with the 13 hour time difference.  This mission is a pretty small mission, they will only be doing about 70 surgeries in the next three days.  (Wow that paragraph has a lot of numbers in it)

Wells is on the move, he's a typical little boy.  He pulls EVERYTHING out of EVERY drawer and cupboard about five times a day.  He also loves to stick his little hand in the toilet and splash in the water until we got a toilet lock. Ha Ha Ha.  He still checks it every day about three times a day to see if by chance the lock is off.  He's started to takes his first steps and is walking from one destination to the other without even realizing he's doing it.  He loves to laugh and it's really easy to get him to laugh.  You just have to bonk your head or someone else's head about 5 times in a row and he thinks it's soooo funny.

There you go, there is a little look into our life right now.

Have a good night,