Monday, April 30, 2012


For our ward's relief society activity a few months back we did a service swap.  My service I offered was to make a birthday cake.  My neighbor is actually the one that ended up with it.  Well today was her daughters 2nd birthday party so here are the cakes I made her.  It was really fun to make.

The snake!

The last couple of days Wells has really wanted to play with his fishing pole.  So we pretend that our street is the water so he can go fishin'.  He's getting pretty good at casting.  It's just so dang cute.

While he was "fishing" he saw a "snake" on the sidewalk and ran into get daddy.  Wade promptly came out to see what kind of snake it was and this is what Wells showed Wade.

It's a good thing daddy was there to take care of that big ol' snake.

Our almost dog

Last Saturday night at about 10pm Wade heard scratching at our garage door.  He opened it and found this lost little dog.  We brought it in and gave it food and water but it only wanted to drink water.  No food.  As you can see it's very malnourished and starving.  
We kept her all day Sunday and tried not to get attached to her too much.  I told Wells he couldn't touch her and that we needed to find her mommy and daddy.  That she wasn't our dog to keep.  He did pretty well with it.  I was kind of surprised.  
Anyway so today (monday) I took her to the animal shelter to see if the vet could tell me if she was worth adopting if no one claimed her.  Well I didn't know that they don't have a vet at the animal shelter. Duh.  So I made an appointment with the vet and took her in.  He said that she's pretty old and that she has a cancerous lump that we would need to remove.  Then we would need to do several test to see why she's not eating and why she's so skinny.  As he was telling me this all I was thinking was...$$$$$$$$...  The vet told me the bill could get into the several hundreds of dollars range maybe even into a thousand dollars.  And that she's so old that it was probably best to just take her back to the animal shelter.  So that's just what we did.  I kind of had my heart broken today.  I didn't think that I got that attached to her, but I've always had a soft spot for animals.  I think I took it harder than Wells.  Anyway, it's probably a good thing.  Here are some pics of our almost dog.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

First Birthday Party

Wells had his first birthday party to go to today.  It was for his little friend Saffron.  Here is the birthday girl in all her glory.

The party was everything and more a little three year old would want.  They had a guy making balloon animals (Wells actually got a balloon helicopter).  He loved the guy making them.  He thought he was so funny.

They had face painting.  I think Wells was the first boy to step up and get his face painted.  He thought it was pretty cool.

They played games.

 We had lunch and some way good cake and ice cream.  

Thanks so much Valerie and David for inviting us.  We had such a good time.


This cute little face (and hair) is what I get to wake up to every morning and after his nap.  I think it's time for a haircut.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Washington DC

Wade and I went to Washington DC about 6 weeks ago.  We decided to take a little trip before we have this second baby.  We called it a "babymoon".  I was into my second trimester and feeling pretty good but not too big that we couldn't walk everywhere.  I've always wanted to go to Washington DC and it just happens to be one of Wade's favorite places.  So one day he surprised me with flight tickets that he had booked.  We left Wells with family and had a great time seeing the sights.

The United States capitol 

The White House.  We took a White House tour the day before and it was pretty impressive with how detailed the rooms we toured were but also pretty unimpressive with how small everything was.  I just thought it would be so much more grand.

This was the one of the war memorials.  Each pillar represented a state.

Here is our states pillar

  Behind Wade are hundreds of stars.  Each star represents 10 soldiers that died in the war.  The price of freedom is so great.

Jefferson Monument

Martin Luther King Monument

Lincoln Monument

On the steps of the Lincoln monument

The subway.  I'm so glad Wade navigated us through it.  This farm girl would have been so so lost in this big ol city.

This is George Washington's house.  Way cool and very impressive.  I have so much respect for that man after touring his land and learning more about him. 

The view on the other side of Washington's house.

The kitchen

The tomb where George Washington and his wife were first buried.

They moved the Washington's several years ago to this bigger tomb.  Washington is on the right.  The box in the back is a door that holds about 20 of their closest family and friends bodies.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Pictures of Wells

My dear friend Gina took these amazing pictures of Wells.  She did such a good job on them and I love how they turned out.  Every time I look at them it makes me want to cry.  I can't believe how grown up he is and that he's not my little baby anymore.  He is such a sweet boy and I don't know what I would ever do with out him :)