Saturday, January 26, 2013

6 months

Chandler turned 6 months yesterday. I can't believe how fast time goes by. He is such a sweet baby. He is pretty quiet and content. He is quick to smile and laugh when you tickle him. He gives the BEST hugs! He will bury his face in my neck and squeeze my shoulders so tight. I love it! He goes to bed at 6:00 and wakes up one to two time to eat and sleeps till 6 or 7. He is such a joy to all of us!

Arts and crafts

A bought these little pipe cleaners for Wells and just let him be creative with them and boy has he had fun over the last two days. He has played with them non stop. He's put them in the strainer holes and dunked them in the water over and over again. I even got in on the fun. It's kind of refreshing to use my creative side every one in a while.