Saturday, August 10, 2013

Virginia part 2

These next few pictures take place at the Magee's (founders of Operation Smile) beautiful home on an inlet from the Atlantic Ocean. The atmosphere at their home and in their huge yard is just so inviting and family friendly. We all loved it especially Wells. 

This last photo is of all the mission training students (and Wade ,Wells, and Chandler)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Virgina trip 2013

Wade was asked to be the keynote speaker for the Operation Smile International Student Leadership Conference in Norfolk Virgina. So we all packed our bags and headed out on a little family vacation (actually not so little. It was for 7 days!!!)
Anyway, Wells decided that he wanted to pack his own bag and was adamant about taking it and bring his "essentials". So we let him take it so he could feel like a big boy. Here's what his bag consisted of.


His fake glasses and fake razor

His very important cape and mask.


A pair of clothes and pajamas. (I was actually surprised he thought of that)

And last but not least... His blankie (he never goes anywhere without it) and an extra blanket.

Here we are loaded up with all our crap and the kitchen sink naive at just how aweful the next 5 or 6 hours would be.

Chandler only slept for about 30 minutes. The rest of the time he was flirting with all the people around us and NOT holding still for even a second.
To be continued...

Chandler's First Birthday

 My baby is one... I can't believe he is already one... I love this age, he's just like my little toy doll that I get to take care of everyday.  He is such a happy boy and a good sleeper and eater.  He is always doing things to make me laugh. He has the best little sense of humor I've ever seen in a baby his age.  He's not shy at all and will go to practically anyone.  Whenever he makes eye contact with someone whether it be in church, the grocery store, or just when we go on a walk he will very cutely say, "Hi" and then smile, once he has their attention he shows off to them with every cute trick in the book.
For his birthday I made him a little banana cheerio (two of his favorite things) smash cake.  Then I made cupcakes and a regular cake for everyone else.

Grandma and Grandpa Farr and Grandma and Grandpa Hooton were both there along with the Hooley's, Christensen's (Wade's sisters families) and Jaron and Kim's family (my brother).

 As you can tell by this next photo Chandler had no qualms about digging in and getting dirty.

Chandlers stats for his age: He weighs 24 pounds, which puts him in the 70th percentile, his height is 31 inches, which puts him at the 85th percentile, and his head circumference was 18 inches which is 39th percentile.

Chandler is not walking yet, but he will walk when he is holding onto something like the couch or a table.  He's been working on his words more than his walking skills.  So far he says, Mama, dadda, kitty, meow, uh oh and ow.  He can sign, more, and wave bye bye and hi and he blows kisses.