Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Look out ladies in Nursery!!!  Here comes Wells (aka... da man)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Out to Eat Bag

Before we left for Disneyland I knew we would be eating out a lot while there, so I thought I would pack a little "out to eat" bag.  It turned out to be so handy that I think we'll keep using it.

Wade and I only go out to eat once a week and usually we take Wells with us.  I look forward to that one day I don't have to worry about dinner so much (probably more than I should admit).  Now with this little bag, we can just grab it and go.  It makes the dinner much more enjoyable.  

Here is his little backpack that holds all the contents.  The best thing about it is Wells loves to wear it.

Crayons to color on his placemat or the placemat they give you.  Only Wells germs on these ones.  

Hand wipes for after we eat and to wipe down the high chair.

Crackers to keep him busy munching on something while we wait for our food.


His own size spoon and fork.  He eats so much better with these than using the huge normal sized silverware.

Disposable placemats.  They have little stickers on the back side so they wont slide or slip off the table while eating. I LOVE these things. I would give the person who invented these a HUGE hug if I could.   

Stickers for him to peel off and stick on the placemat.  Pure enjoyment for him.

And last but not least a sippy cup.  I hate it when the restaurant brings out a drink for him with a flimsy lid on it and the first sip he takes it spills all down the front of him.  

Anyhoo.  Next time you see us out to eat, you can bet I'll be having a nice conversation with my husband instead of apologizing to the people next to us for my child's behavior :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

On our way home

Thank goodness for modern technology. This makes the drive home not so bad. He is watching a movie and the game controller is to keep his hands busy so he won't take off the headphones.

He's been such a good traveler. He hasn't cried once either way!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 3 in Disneyland

Wells, Sloan, and Eli. All born within months of each other.

These little leashes came in handy most of the time. You can see Wells little monkey poking it's head over his shoulder.

Sloan usually NEVER cries. She just didn't want to take the picture. I think she knew we could potentially black mail her with this picture someday.