Sunday, December 26, 2010

Nap Time?

With it being the day after Christmas we've had a busy morning playing and setting up new toys.  I got a little distracted and didn't notice that it was Wells nap time.  I did however notice that it suddenly went quiet (which usually is not a good sign).  This is where I found Wells.

Everyday for nap time we sit in his rocking chair, and I give him his pacifier and blanket and we read a book together.  I guess this is his way of telling me he is ready for his nap.  

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Snowman Family

A few days ago Wade and Wells made our snowman family.  I just stood there and watched them play together.  It was so cute to see Wade try and teach Wells how to roll the snow, and place them on top of each other to make a snowman.  The only parts I contributed to was Cinco's head and two parts on the front of my snowWOMAN...

If you can't tell I cropped this picture to have all of us in it.  Also... you might be wondering where Cinco is considering he is part of our family.  Well if you look over my right shoulder in the window you will see him posing for the picture.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Tonight was the annual Hooton/Santa party.

Every year Santa comes to visit the children of the Hooton clan.  We just happen to know Santa on a personal level (it's not a money thing at all).  So while we where eating dinner Santa came in our front door with a  loud "Ho Ho Ho"!!!.  After our heart rates calmed down and the blood came back into our faces, we all sat around to watch the magic in the kids eyes. (Please take note of my awesome "ugly Christmas sweater" my mother donated to me) 

We sang Christmas songs... (notice Wells in the next picture. I think he was terribly confused with some strange looking man entering his house.)

All the kids got to sit on Santa's lap, and Santa knew if each child was naughty or nice.  He also knew what each kid needed to work on at home.







Wells was less than happy about sitting that close to Santa.

As Santa was leaving he thanked each one of us for leaving out cookies for him last year and asked for them again this year.  Then he told us to look out the window after he leaves for his helicopter in the sky. We would know it was him because we would see a red blinking light.  (He said he didn't bring his reindeer because they were getting ready for Christmas).  So we turned off all the lights and looked out the window and sure enough we saw a red blinking light in the sky :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Yet another activity

So, basically... I'm not feeling very well today.  I woke up with a nasty cold, and even nastier breath from breathing through my mouth all night.  I don't want to leave the house because it means I have to exert myself to getting ready and I don't like talking much because instead of saying, "Wells, look at mommy"  I say, "Wells, look at Bobby", and instead of, "I mean it" it's "I bean it".  I've basically been a lump of nothing all day.  Thankfully my body decided to get sick on a Saturday so Wade could help with Wells.  (Thanks Wade)

Even though Wade watched Wells all morning so I could sleep, he had some studying to do.  So this afternoon I decided to try another simple toddler activity so I wouldn't have to talk, entertain, or play trucks with Wells.  I could just get it ready for him and sit back and watch him learn and play.

Here are a few pics I took.  All you need is a splash pad (or towels), a bowl, water, a spoon, and some cups for pure toddler entertainment.

I love his little toes in the pic above. 

Pretending he's Cinco lapping up the water