Chandler is 18 months! I can't believe I can say that now, it's gone by so fast. He's such a dream baby (unless he's sick...because every second he's attached to my hip and I can't get anything done.) but he's always so happy and content and easy to please and he's so smart! He will mimick anything I ask him to say and he's usually pretty close. He's saying so many words I can't even count. He understands so much. The other day I looked at him and told him it was time for his nap. Then I turned to Wells and started to talk with him for a minute. Then I went to find Chandler to put him down and I found him in his rocking chair with his blankie and book all ready for his nap.
He loves when Wade comes home from work. He runs to the door saying "da da da da!!!!" Then he gives him a great big hug.
His favorite thing right now is books. All throughout the day he will go grab a book, sit down and pat the ground for me to sit next to him and read it.
I can't get over what a sweet tender little spirit he has. And I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father has chosen me to be his mother.
42% head circumference at 18.7 inches
42% weight coming in at 25 lbs
And 91% in length at 34 inches.
I can verify that he is as cute and sweet as you say. He could charm a snake!