Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Big Huge Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

This is our first Easter in our new house and in our new neighborhood.  And boy do they know how to do it.  The four houses at the end of our cul de sac was where the hunt was set up.  The yards were split up into ages of 0-3, 4-6, 7-9 and 10 plus.  Each house had 200 eggs, a grocery sack of candy just randomly thrown out on the lawn and a prize/toy for each kid.  A ton of people from our ward came so there where people everywhere and kids everywhere too.  It was really fun.  Here a some pics we took.

This pic is our house.  We had the 7-9 age.  It really doesn't look like much, but a lot of the eggs are hidden.    

Here are the other three houses.  This one is the 4-6 ages

This one is the 10 plus house

And this one is the 0-3 house.  

This is just some of the people waiting for the games to start

Wells started to creep onto the lawn before it started.  As you can see the girls are wondering why he is not following the rules.

Wells would pick up one egg at a time, open it, examine the contents of the egg, hand it to me and ask me to open the candy, eat it, then put the empty egg into his basket... and then move onto the next egg and start all over.  Needless to say we walked away with about five eggs :)

After the egg hunt we had pizza and home made root beer floats.  Yum.

I feel so blessed to live in such a great neighborhood, in such a beautiful state, and in a country where we can celebrate our religious freedoms.    

I'm so grateful for Easter Egg hunts and all the fun that surrounds it, but I'm even more grateful for what Easter truly means.  How bless I am to have a Savior who died and was resurrected for me.  He is truly the ultimate example of the person I can strive to be.  

Okay one last cute picture of Wells playing on his bike before the hunt.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


As of three days ago, I've officially deactivated my Facebook account.  I started to realize I would look at it everyday, but not really care or be interested in any of it.  It was just something to do.  So I thought I would just deactivate it and see what I would do to fill that extra time.  I have to say I don't even miss it. It has actually been very freeing in a way.  It's kind of like when you go camping and you don't have cell phone service.  I don't need to know about everyone and their cat (I really did have a friend named Kitty Nelson... it really was a cat).  All I care about are my family and my close friends and that is why I have my blog and my email.

Lots of people use Facebook and really like it.  I did for awhile.  But I guess I just got bored.  Maybe I'll return to the Facebook ranks before to long.  In the meantime, I feel like I'm connected to the people I care about in other ways.

So now that I have this extra time I am going to try and put some of it into my blog.  To me my blog is like our family journal, and at anytime I can have it printed out into a hardbound book.  It will be something for our family to look though for many years.  Can't say that about Facebook...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April Fools and some other pics

All the three people who read this probably know that I LOVE April Fools Day.  I think there's nothing wrong with a little prank here and there.  It keeps people young and on there toes.  So I didn't really get into it as much this year as I did last year but I just couldn't stand by and do nothing.  So this year I decided to target my parents.  Here are a few pics to tell the story...

Wade went to the UPS store and sweet talked to the girl behind the counter to print out a label with my parents name and address on it.

We set the box on the door step and had a neighbor ring the doorbell and run...  (we were on the inside with the camera)

Ta da!!!!  We gave them Cinco our cat....
They actually thought it was a rabbit because my dad has been hinting that he wants to get one.
I guess Cinco was a bit of a disappointment. 

These next pictures are of what Wells and I do at least a few times a week.  Wells calls it "moo" but what he means is he wants to go see Grandpa Farr's cow, goat and chickens. 

Here's a little game...  See if you can spot Honey the dog...

Just a couple more to top of the post.  My favorite pics of the week.