Sunday, December 26, 2010

Nap Time?

With it being the day after Christmas we've had a busy morning playing and setting up new toys.  I got a little distracted and didn't notice that it was Wells nap time.  I did however notice that it suddenly went quiet (which usually is not a good sign).  This is where I found Wells.

Everyday for nap time we sit in his rocking chair, and I give him his pacifier and blanket and we read a book together.  I guess this is his way of telling me he is ready for his nap.  


  1. Funny. Lauren used to do the same thing if i wasn't on time with her naps. It's obvious they love their routine and how needed that is. Good job mommy Marci!!

  2. Ooooooohhhh, that is so sweet. I love Wells!
