Thursday, May 17, 2012

San Diego

We spent last weekend in San Diego with Wade's family.  We had such a great time that I really didn't take that many pictures.  The ones posted below are about all of them.  While we were there we played on the beach, spent a day and a half at Sea World, and a day in Lego Land.  We had a great time with the family and just relaxing in a new beautiful place.  This first photo is what we woke up to every morning.  It's looking right out from our hotel room patio.  

 Wells was pretty excited to go on the airplane.  Before arriving at the airport he was convinced that our plane was going to be Orange (his favorite color).  When he saw that it was blue and red he was a bit disappointed but he got over it pretty quick.

 We had a great time on the beach. It was pretty cold so we only lasted a couple of hours but we loved it!  Wells and I decided that we would bring home a pretend dolphin and a part of the ocean to put in our backyard pond.  When I asked Wells what his new pet dolphin's name was (that was now in his pocket) he said,"Waddit, and he's green".  

 Wells and his cousin Eli that's only 6 weeks younger.  They look like they could be brothers.

 Wade and Wells tried to make a sand castle and after many attempts and lots of little helpers (some not even from our family) is wasn't very successful.  Here is the final attempt at the sand castle.  I think they were both pretty darn proud of it.

The fire department was just down the street and while we were on a little walk they brought out a fire truck and lifted the latter all the way up.  Wells thought it was so cool, it totally made his day.  I like this photo because it just happened to be on Mothers day.

 Lego Land

Saturday, May 5, 2012


So at Dr. Watson's office (where I work) there are four of us that are pregnant.  Three of us are having boys and one is having a girl.  Dr. Watson's wife is throwing us a baby shower so I thought I would make everyone a cute little onsie. 

This little girls onsie was pretty easy.  My mom already had the fabric with the transfer paper on the back so I just had to cut out the hearts, iron them on and sew them.  Easy peesy.

For the next onsies I just made a pattern out of regular paper, then traced that onto Iron On paper and then ironed that onto the fabric.  Then I cut out the little pieces, ironed them onto the onsie and then sewed around the edges to make it nice and secure.  I haven't put the little buttons on the black vest yet, but it will make a nice finishing touch.  They were surprisingly fun to make.  

I had so much fun making these little onsies that I decided to make a couple for Wells with just the tie.  


So I finally did it.  I had his haircut short.  It was just way too much maintenance for a boy.  Once I have a girl I will submit to more time spent on hair, but as for now I say let's go easy!  Both of these pictures are not every good of his hair but it's all I had on my phone.  He looks so old now.  I can't believe how fast he is growing.  So here is the before and after. 


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wells Words Part II

Wells has been saying the funniest things lately and if I don't write them down I know I'll forget.  So here are a few of the things he has said in the last few days.

Last night while reading him a book there was a picture of baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  He knew who the baby was and he knew who Joseph was but when I asked him who Mary was he said with a confused look on his face, "hmmmm, Mother Goose?"

Then just this morning he was over at my friends house while I was at work.  He was playing outside with the neighborhood kids while I was gone.  I came to pick him up and while in the car he said, "That boy was driving me crazy".  I asked him why he was driving him crazy and Wells said, "All he was saying was blah blah blah blah"

Also, lately he has been really into pretending his little playmate is a baby.  Yesterday while on the swings he looked at the empty swing next to him and said (in a really sweet voice) "Are you having fun baby?  Oh good!"  He is going to be such a good older brother.

One last thing:  The other day he randomly pointed to his eyes and said in a loud confident voice, "These are MEATBALLS!!!"  I think he meant eyeballs. Ha!