Friday, November 11, 2011

Fun with Fall

Lots of leaves in our back yard = great pics!

Wade was our awesome photographer this time around.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wells Halloween

This year Wells was a dinosaur which is perfect for him since he thinks he is an actual T-Rex.  He love the tail and wants to show everyone he can.  

We took him to Thanksgiving Point to the Barnyard Boo and he liked showing all the animals and people his costume.

 Then we went trick or treating to Grandma and Grandpa Farr's house.

Pure excitement to see that Papa answered the door.

Then we we trick or treating around some other houses and he caught on to the concept real quick.  I think he just loved getting his energy out and running from house to house with his cousins and the candy was a bonus.  When the people would hold out the bowl of candy he would always looked for the suckers.  I think he likes them the best because he knows how to open them himself.